Working together to do more than you can do alone.
We start the month
in Luke 5:1-11, 27-32; 6:12-16; 8:1-3. Here we see Jesus has started His
ministry by gathering His disciples together. This was the most unlikely group of
people, all from different backgrounds, but Jesus still called them to bring
about His mission.
Bottom Line: Jesus
wants us to work together. Sometimes it may feel easier to work alone than with
others, especially when you don’t agree or get along. But those moments are
exactly when we need to learn how to cooperate with others. Just as Jesus
gathered a group of VERY different people to help Him accomplish His mission, we
too are created to work together, differences and all.
In week 2, we head
to Exodus 17:8-13 where Joshua and the Israelites were facing the Amalekites in
battle. Anytime Moses held up his staff, the Israelites did well, and when he
dropped them, they would start to lose. So Aaron and Hur came up with a plan to
help Moses succeed. Moses needed people to literally hold him up in order for
Joshua to lead the Israelites to victory.
Bottom Line: Work
together to help someone succeed. Just as Aaron and Hur created a plan together
to help Moses succeed, kids can learn how working together doesn’t just impact
themselves but it impacts those around them as well. Together, you can work with
others to help those around you accomplish something no matter how big or small
it is.
In week 3, we head
to Nehemiah 1–4; 6:15, where Nehemiah and the Israelite people face a HUGE
problem. They had returned home to Judah where the city walls had crumbled.
Nehemiah rallied the people together and led them to work together to rebuild
the wall in just 52 days!
Bottom Line: Work
together to solve problems. Have you ever been stumped by a problem and no matter how many times you faced
it, couldn’t figure out a way to solve it? Sometimes all it takes is another
pair of eyes. When you work together with someone else, you can do BIG things,
just like the people of Israel did in our story.
For week 4 we head
to Luke 5:17-26. Here we encounter four friends and their cooperation to help
another friend see Jesus. Their friend was paralyzed and could not walk, so
they did everything they could to get him to Jesus — even tear down a roof!
Because of the four friends’ faith and cooperation, Jesus did something
incredible, changing the life of the man who was paralyzed, forever.
Bottom Line: Work
together to help someone in need. Some needs may seem intimidating or too big
for you to truly make a difference — and they very well could be if you tackle
it alone. However, when you cooperate with others and work together, you have a
better chance of making a lasting impact on someone else’s life.
We end the month
in 1 Corinthians 12:12-27 with the early church. Arguments had broken out and
sides were taken as the believers struggled to come together. Paul wrote to
them, encouraging them to use their differences as they work together to tell
others about Jesus because their gifts work best together.
Bottom Line: Work
together to point people to Jesus. When we work together, many people will have
a chance to see Jesus’ love in action. Accomplishing Jesus’ mission for the world is a
HUGE undertaking. However, when we practice working together, we can help
others and show them Jesus along the way.